Past President Wendy Awarded MJF
Lions Club of Llandudno (CIO)
March 2nd 2024 swaw the Lions Club of Llandudno celebate it 47th Charter at the St George's Hotel. As it has become acustomed the Llandudno Lions once again have had privallage to aware a Melvin Jones Fellowship. This year's recipient is Lions Wendy Mylchreest (Past President and current Zone 8 Chair). Lions John Chambers in introducing the recipent explained that Lion Wendy has thrown herself into the life of the Club and involved with many aspects of the Club. Wendy has never been far away from bucket collections, fund raising event and involed with the Lions charity shop. Lion Wendy, as Lion John recounted to neary one hundred guest, has set on number of first for the Llandudno Lions. Wendy was the Clubs first female member, the first felamle tresture, and the first female president. Lions Wendy has now ticked being Zone Chair (Llandudno Lions have contributed a number of Club past presidents to Zone Chair).
The actual MJF was presented to Lion Wendy by Vice District Govener Lion Ian Francis and Club President Lions Gordon Woodyatt.
The Melvin Jone Fellowship is the highest award a club can award to an individude (not necessarily a club member). In the Llandudno Lions, only previous recipients nominate and vote on who would like to recive the MJF. And, it is only until Charter does anyone know who that honour is being bestowed upon.
Contact Information
Club Secretary
- 07947683553
Find Lions Club of Llandudno (CIO)
St George's Hotel, Llandudno, Conwy